Episode 06: Your Menstrual Cycle is a Gift: Tune into the Signals and Sync with Success


There is a plethora of misinformation or lack thereof around the menstrual cycle amongst millions of women. While I am no expert, I hope this episode inspires you to get more curious. The purpose of this episode is to encourage you to not only conduct your own research around the menstrual cycle, but to also try out a “self-evaluation” by conducting some “research” on yourself.

This episode covers the most common symptoms occurring in each phase, however, it is important to note that everyone is different and some symptoms may not apply due to hormonal imbalances, birth control, genetics, hormonal disorders such as PCOS, or even temporary factors like stress.

This episode will allow you to think a little deeper about your cycle and challenge the way you view it. Your cycle doesn’t only consist of never-ending cramping and switching out feminine products. It is much more than that, and becoming more aware of the various phases our body goes through each and every month will provide us with the fundamentals to curate and personalize our wellness journey.

Stay tuned for the video version of this episode.


Episode 07: Less Resistance = More Flow: Using the Ohm’s Law to explain the “Path of Least Resistance”


Episode 05: How to Stop Activating the Inactive